At the Code of Support Foundation (COSF), our mission is personal. 

Our team is staffed largely by caregivers, veterans, or military/veteran spouses. When military and veteran families come to COSF seeking support, they are met with unmatched compassion and empathy, because our team can relate to their experiences on a personal level. 

This gives us a unique opportunity to connect with veterans, service members, and caregivers in a way that fosters genuine trust. Ultimately, the military and veteran connections that our team members share are incredible assets to our work, furthering our effectiveness and ability to walk alongside clients in both rewarding and difficult times. 

We asked some of our team members to share their connection to the military/veteran space. Here’s what they had to say! 

Allyson Bowers, COSF Director of Programs, Caregiver & Veteran Spouse

“I am the Director of Programs at Code of Support Foundation, I have been here almost 4 years. I started as a case manager. I have been married to an Army Veteran, Ben, for almost 16 years. We met while he was on active duty, he deployed to Iraq, and later he was medically retired. My grandfather was retired from the Air National Guard but was active in the Air Force during part of his time. My grandfather was a huge part of my life for 30 years of my life.” 

Allyson and her husband Ben, who is an Army veteran.

Diana, Army veteran, and her husband who is also an Army veteran with their children.

Diana Valenzuela, COSF Case Manager, Veteran, & Veteran Spouse

My name is Diana. I am a combat veteran married to another combat veteran. I am a full-time case manager at Code of Support Foundation, and my spouse is a contractor on base at Fort Liberty. Our family mission has always been to be light and bring healing to those around us, paving the way for the next generation.” 

Jenna Malone, COSF Case Manager, Caregiver, & Veteran Spouse

Jenna is the wife and caregiver to her husband, a Navy veteran, who served for 8 years 11 months, medically retiring in 2016 due to his combat injuries. Jenna’s passion to serve the military and their families comes from personally understanding the struggles of active duty military life and advocating for the needs and quality of life of her veteran husband. She wants to pay it forward and help other military families as they navigate the inherent challenges of military life.

Jenna and her husband Issac, Navy veteran, at Operation Mend.

Silvia and her husband who is a veteran.

Silvia Lopez, COSF Case Manager, Caregiver, & Veteran Spouse

“As a spouse and caregiver, I have spent the last 15 years caring and assisting my veteran husband through the ups and downs of life after the military. I am also part of the Case Management Team at COSF. All this to me, it means showing love and support in any way I can to family, friends, and my community.”

Tineke Kasch, COSF Administrative Support Specialist & Military Spouse

“I am married to an active-duty military member, and I can say from experience that the military lifestyle can be unpredictable and uncertain. Organizations like Code of Support are there to help when things get tough, and I’m proud to be part of one that supports other military families like mine.”

Gretta with her husband and father.

Gretta Munn, COSF Advancement Coordinator & Military Spouse

“My father was in the Air Force for most of my childhood flying C-130’s to Antarctica. He retired when I was 14 and now serves other veterans. My husband, Bobby, serves in the Army National Guard. Being part of a military family both as a kid and now as a spouse inspires me greatly in my work spreading the word about our mission at COSF!”

Invaluable connections

Our team’s commitment to military and veteran families is rooted in their commitment to their loved ones who have served. It is a privilege to serve our fellow veterans, caregivers, and military spouses and to provide them with a support system built upon understanding, compassion, and shared experiences. 

Though each team member’s story and military connection is different, that is exactly what makes our work at Code of Support so impactful!

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