The rapidly-evolving news coming from Ukraine is changing in real-time – like others, we are shocked by the reports we’ve seen, concerned for the future, and monitoring events closely.

While we don’t know what the future holds, we know that thousands of U.S. troops have already been deployed to Europe. Twenty years ago – as a young Army wife – I remember the surreal feeling of saying goodbye to my husband at the airfield, as he prepared to deploy. I’m thinking a lot about what our military families are going through right now, and I am sure we are all thinking about the families in Ukraine.

The spectre of war can be a trigger for those we serve in the military and veteran communities, particularly those already at risk.  Please know that COSF is here to provide direct assistance and resources available at, and on our social media channels.  If you or someone you know is a veteran in need of help, we encourage you to take advantage of these resources. If you are or a member of your family is in immediate crisis, contact the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255.

We will continue to follow the news, and provide support to those who need it, as always.

In Solidarity,

CEO and Co-founder

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